Apple Byte

Apple Byte

iPhone XS: Best Battery Case To Check Out In 2019

iPhone Xs Best Battery Case

iPhone Xs is intended for premium users. The smartphone is well-timed for extensive media play and hardcore gaming with a large 5.8-inch display and a highly efficient battery. Although the battery is fully equipped to meet the high demand, some…

Paid Apps & Games Gone Free For iPhone & iPad

Paid Apps Gone Free the apple byte

Buddhist Lists  TextVideo – Text on Video  PXL – mosaic art  Swift Mileage Tracker Orderly – Simple to-do lists Easy Spending Expense Tracker  iPicBox – Safe Photo Vault Pixomatic photo editor  Today’s Best Deal: $100 OFF on 6th Generation iPad…

Whatsapp is Soon Coming On iPad

whatsapp in iPad the apple byte

If you want to use use the popular WhatsApp messaging service on your iPad or Mac, use the web interface version to solve it. That could change if a reliable leaker is correct in reporting that the Whatsapp iPad & Mac…