If You Don’t Have A Smart Door Lock Yet, It’s Time To Spend Some On August’s Discounted Products

Amazon is selling August 3rd Smart Lock in Dark Gray and Silver for $96.92. If you haven’t upgraded to a smart door lock yet, it’s worth considering August as a nice-looking and cheap option. Because the August ecosystem is quite large, in the future you will be able to pick up an August Connect to add remote locking along with several integrations such as Alexa, Siri, Airbnb, and more. Rated 4 + stars from more than 65% of reviewers.

The Smart Keypad is also on sale on Amazon for $45. After using a smart deadbolt with a built-in passcode for about two years, I can say with confidence that I use a keypad 90% of the time instead of a smartphone to unlock it. The Smart Keypad of August is no brainer in my book 4/5 stars rated.

Or grab the Kwikset’s Keyless Deadbolt for $41. Not only does it cost a little less, but in favor of passcode you can still forget everything about keys. You will have to forego mobile controls, as already stated, but for many, a passcode should be more than appropriate.

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