Apple took the wraps off its latest 16-inch MacBook Pro just this week, and we’re seeing the first major discounts on it. The machine is $130 off at Amazon, with its larger screen, enhanced keyboard, and bumped internal specs. The deal reduces the entry-level price of the 512 GB model to $2,268 and drops the 1 TB version to $2,683.45. The discount currently applies only to silver models.
Either the Intel i7 2.6GHz 6-core or the Intel i9 9th-gen 2.4GHz8-core processors power the machines. For graphics, they use the new Radeon Pro 5300 M7-nanometer AMD with 4 GB of GDDR6 memory or the 8 GB of GDDR6 memory Radeon Pro 5500M. They have an 80% faster performance than the previous Radeon Vega Pro 20, according to Apple. Also, there is a new thermal architecture with bigger impellers, more blades, and new fans to keep everything cool.
The display and the keyboard are, of course, the biggest updates. The display now has a size of up to 16 inches, replacing the 15-inch model in the lineup without getting much bigger or heavier on the machine itself. At 3072-by-1920 pixels, it’s 500 nits of P3 color, resulting in 226 PPI. The keyboard is all-new, digging for an updated scissor-switch mechanism the three previous generations of butterfly switches. There is a millimeter, a little smaller gaps between the keys to allow smoother taping and the return of a dedicated escape key and the inverted T arrow keys.