The Eve Degree HomeKit Weather Station is currently being offered by Amazon for $56.12. Down from $70, the offer today saves you almost 20 percent and comes within $2 of the best we’ve seen throughout the year.
Eve Degree is equipped with a sleek aluminum case plus an LCD display and pairs over Bluetooth to monitor temperature, humidity, and air pressure. Adding this device to your HomeKit setup is a great way to automate devices, such as turning a fan on when a room becomes too hot. For years now, I have been using one and have nothing but good things to say about it. Reviews are somewhat mixed, but at Amazon, 50% left a 4+ star rating.
Would you like to monitor indoor temperatures without mixing your iPhone? Take this high-rated indoor temperature and moisture gage at Amazon for $9. Just like the Eve Degree, it features an LCD display but lacks any form of smartphone connectivity.
Or if you are in the ecosystem of Philips Hue, the Indoor Motion Sensor of the brand can bring the same stats for $40 to your HomeKit setup. It is 30% lower than the deal featured today but requires the Hue Bridge to work.